Experience top-tier chiropractic and muscle reactivation care designed specifically for you and provided by Gregory Cruz D.C.
Experience relief and improved well-being with expert chiropractic care.
Revitalize and strengthen muscles for improved mobility and pain relief.
Rebuild comfort and mobility after an auto accident with personalized care.
Expert recovery to get athletes back in action quickly and safely.
Relieve whiplash pain and regain mobility with expert chiropractic care.
Modern Health Chiropractic, led by Gregory Cruz D.C., has been committed to providing holistic healing and personalized care since 2010. Our mission is to enhance your quality of life through natural chiropractic treatments. With a focus on patient education and a passion for long-term wellness, we stand out through our compassionate approach and cutting-edge techniques. Join us in a journey towards optimal health!
Here's some of what they had to say
Dr. Cruz is personable, easy to be around and very thorough and sincere in wanting to help in whatever way he can!
Dr Cruz’s muscle activation treatment is amazing. I lived in pain and with limited mobility after my second child. My husband was always rushing to help me pick something up or help me out of my chair. I didn’t think I’d ever feel back to normal. Dr. Cruz restored my quality of life.
I was hit in the jaw with an errant volleyball at a tournament. I knew that my jaw was in trouble. After a few days it was tender and I felt like I couldn't move my mouth correctly. I was able to see Dr. Cruz and he was able to adjust my jaw back into place. He was gentle and quick and had instant relief! It was AWESOME! Thank you Dr. Cruz!
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1050 W Shepard Ln, Ste 8, Farmington, UT 84025
(801) 447-9194
"My experience with Dr. Greg Cruz has always been a pleasure. I see him once a month for back adjustments and have always left feeling significantly better. My wife also who has been a real stinker when it comes to chiropractic has likewise had a great experience there. She works in the medical field and was impressed by the knowledge and skill of Dr. Cruz. My biggest praise however comes with an experience we had with my little 6 year old boy, who from about the end of the 2014 Christmas season till about the second week of February was having relapse after relapse of pooping his pants (after being fully potty trained and 2 full years of success). This of course was very frustrating for my wife and I as we tried everything we could think of to try and fix the problem short of taking him to the doctors office for an exam, and I knew that Dr. Cruz was trained in chiropractic health for kids so I took our little guy in and had him adjusted (hearing that It had been known to help in this certain area) and not one accident has occurred since. Dr. Cruz was gentle and very good with my son. Very happy with my overall experience at Modern health Chiropractic and the billing is very no nonsense and affordable. $35 per adjustment for adults, $25 for children. I definitely recommend this practice."
Don't wait another day to start feeling better. Experience the benefits of expert chiropractic care today.